I just noticed that this is my 1,002 post. Two posts ago I hit 1,000. Congratulations, journal! It's been an excellent almost five years and still going. And all of you on my flist too, you're awesome :D
So after freaking out over the impossible new LJ layout changer... I found that they FINALLY made a space one. Which makes me happy. Yay space!
I am a little disappointed because I liked the green header better, but I didn't like the green background and stuff, and it wouldn't let me change the colors. What's up with that?
New layout. I was bored, and impressed with the layout this person created, though.. it took some tweaking to get it until I liked it.
Got almost all of my shopping done, I need to get it all shipped out, and cards sent out...etc. If you get your card late..I apologize, I'm bad about sending stuff out. But it will get sent.
ok, this is so awesome Lailster. And for those who don't know, she got me a paid account for my birthday. *many many many many long distance huggles!!!* Way too cool! Lova so much
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